Excursions around Stormarn
Stormarn is located in the middle of the metropolitan region of Hamburg and is therefore an ideal starting point for excursions to the varied region. The Hanseatic cities of Hamburg and Lübeck attract visitors with their numerous cultural attractions and can be reached within a very short time. But also the Lauenburg Lakes and the wide sandy beaches at the Baltic Sea offer numerous possibilities for an unforgettable excursion.
Duchy of Lauenburg
The Duchy of Lauenburg: the land of the 40 lakes
In the rolling hills rich with forest between the river Elbe and the Baltic Sea, and Hamburg and Lübeck there are more than 40 lakes dotted in the landscape. Historic towns, old trade routes and a rich flora and fauna invite you to spend some holidays relaxing in the Southeast of Schleswig-Holstein.
Where the sea eagle is king
At the heart of the region lies the nature park Lauenburgische Seen. Ratzeburger See and Schaalsee are just two of the more than 40 lakes in our region. Surrounded by forest, the lakes provide a perfect habitat for the sea eagle. The nature park “Hohes Elbufer” between Lauenburg and Geesthacht is part of the cross-border Elbe riverscape biosphere reserve “Biosphärenreservat Flusslandschaft Elbe”.
A royal outing
Sleepy villages, shady alleys und stately mansions dominate the landscape of the region. Farmyard coffeehouses and shops offer their visitors real treats of local produce. The Duchy of Lauenburg is the oldest and largest asparagus growing region in Schleswig-Holstein.
A salty paradise for cyclists
Once upon a time, the medieval salt route “Alte Salzstraße” ran from the Saline, the saltworks in Lüneburg, to the harbour in Lübeck. Today, cyclists can follow the long distance route of the same name all the way to Travemünde. But the Elberadweg cycling route and the many day trip themed loops have also plenty to offer for cyclists of all abilities.
About lions, jesters and navigators
The towns and villages in the region have lively stories to tell. In Ratzeburg, for example, you can follow the trail of Henry the Lion who ordered the building of the Ratzeburg Dome. In Mölln you can expect to have an encounter with Till Eulenspiegel who allegedly died here. A rebus of his name “owl and mirror” can be seen on his alleged gravestone. In the colourful town of Lauenburg with its many timber-framed houses, navigation on the river Elbe is a century-old tradition. By contrast, Geesthacht stands for research and development. Alfred Nobel is said to have invented dynamite in this town.
Herzogtum Lauenburg Marketing & Service GmbH
Hauptstraße 150
23879 Mölln
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Monday to Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Uhr
+49 45 42 - 85 68 60